CSR Consulting
Shaping the future with your company - Corporate Social Responsibility
contents, length and fee by agreement

Nowadays, companys' success is not only measured by their economic success, but also on if their services and products have a positive impact on environment and society.
I support you in developing your tailor-made, holistic and sustainable CSR strategy (Corporate Social Responsibility).
In my function as Sustainability Consultant II, I gained extensive experience in providing full-cycle sustainability services to corporate clients across industries, ranging from carbon footprinting (Scopes 1, 2, and 3) to extensive, months-long hand-tailored projects including Science-Based Target setting (SBT and Net Zero) as well as reduction roadmapping support.
Before, I developed an extensive CSR strategy for the internationally operating food company Mia & Ben Organic which analyzed all main and side activities, pointing out improvement potential.
According to Karina Gentgen, co-founder and COO, did my work not only provide them with a roadmap that serves them now in their day to day, but I also brought the teams closer together thanks to my positive, activism-initiating nature.
My advisory package includes following components:
# ESG-Analysis (Enviroment/Social/Governance - analysis of your business practices according to social, ecological and internal governance factors)
# Carbon footprinting support (both on product and corporate level, incl. Scope 1, 2, and 3)
# Developing a roadmap / Action Plan (with long, middle and short term goals for improving your social and ecological impact), and/or Science-Based Target setting support
# Identifying reduction potentials to reach targets
# Creating a comprehensive sustainability report
# Strenghtening and creating synergies between your teams
# Getting your team on board - developing and facilitating workshops for CSR and "Sustainability in Innovation"
You decide which components of my advisory package you need on your way to develop your own, tailor-made CSR strategy.